Saturday, November 28, 2009

Alternative Medicine -Examiner

I have started writing at the examiner about Alternative Medicine. So I would like to invite everyone to join me there.

Thanks Everyone!!!


Tuesday, November 17, 2009

The Power of Healing

Herbs or phytomedicinals, and their healing powers can be traced back to ancient times. No one knew why they really worked or could explain the results of the different herbs. Over the years more research has been done on the different plants, isolating and purifying chemical compounds to make medicine that is in use today. Today over 25% of our prescription drugs were originally plant based. They have become reliable drugs for public use.

Here are some examples:
* Pain medicine Morphine and codeine are from the opium poppy.
* Willow bark became aspirin
* For heart patients Digitalis strengthened up their heart muscles, and came from the foxglove plant.
* New hope for cancer patients with the drug Paclitaxel (Taxol) used for chemotherapy. It comes from the Pacific yew tree. Read More